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5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Solar Panels

It is without a doubt that the use of Solar Panels is very much rampant during these times. The utilization has shifted from industrial to residential as well. Because of the technological advancement that this era has brought, Solar Panel use has reached homes and its benefits are believed by many as a helpful environmental tool to reduce harmful gas emissions and to slow down climate change.

Locally, Costbusters is one of the major players when it comes to the installation of Solar Panel in Manila, Philippines. Solar Panels are starting to become a common sight when you look at roofs of residential homes within the Metro. And if you are still thinking whether you are going to have your home installed with these panels, here are five reasons why you should invest in Solar Panels too!

Alternative Source and Environmentally Friendly

Here in the Philippines, the predominant source of energy is non-renewables, with the likes of coal, fossil fuels, crude oil, and natural gas among others. Solar Energy – which is entirely the opposite of these energy sources – is renewable energy that is harvested using Solar Panels. Besides being renewable, it is unlimited.

The use of Solar Panels will not produce toxic Carbon Monoxide gas and does not require complicated machinery or equipment in harvesting Solar Energy which avoids the pollution of bodies of water as what most petroleum-based companies practice by dumping industrial waste directly into water sources. Needless to say, you just need the sun! Thus, one of the best reasons to invest in Solar Panels is that we never run out of it in this tropical country.

Less Dependence on Non-Renewables

With the knowledge that petroleum and other traditional energy sources are non-renewable, the global economy depends on their supply. And because these are limited, the only thing we are certain of right now is that its price will keep on rising as demand keeps on increasing. One instance of the decline can mean a setback – or even a crash – in the global economy.

With the use of Solar Panels, we will decrease our dependence on these scarce resources and possibly provide stability in our economy. Energy Companies even set up a new scheme that if households will connect their panels to the grid, they might even get paid for every unit of electricity they generate – most of the time they will deduct it on your monthly billing.

Reduced Electricity Bills

For starters, this is presumably the end goal of every household who finally decides to install Solar Panel on their roofs. You just have to shoulder the cost of installation at first then reap the sun’s rewards in the long run. Remember that when you invest in Solar Panels, the long-term benefits will outweigh the short-term cost. Once it can cope up, you will see a significant reduction in your electricity bills and depend less on the Energy Companies.

Since it is powered by the "sun," its supplication of energy to your homes is best during the daytime. Because the Solar Panels are dependent on the availability of the sun to get charged, it is recommended to have batteries installed as well in order to maximize solar energy even at night.

Renewables are the New Trend

We are currently living in a world full of trends. And if you don’t get in the bandwagon, you may probably get left out. It is not just in the fashion world that gets trendy all the time, but in the world of renewables as well. Much attention has been given to this and it has become either an interesting topic to talk about or an inspiration for the inventors – renewables were never even publicly discussed even 10 or so years ago.

Besides solar energy, humanity was able to harvest energy in different forms – nuclear, wind, geothermal, waves – and in ways that seem difficult to think of. Because of the advancement that we humans have reached in this day, perhaps we will be able to harvest energy on everything that has movement.

Cheaper Than Its Counterparts

Solar Panels surely can be expensive. But compared to its renewable counterparts such as Hydro Power Plants, Geothermal Plants, and Nuclear Power Plants, it's the cheapest! We are pretty sure that compared to the expenses of building the aforementioned, installing a solar panel at home is not even close to a per cent of their total cost.

The cost of Solar Panel installation will depend on the amount of energy it can generate. It also can be done on your own or in partnership with people and it will hardly take an hour.

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